In the summer of 2010, my family and I mixed business and pleasure on a four-week sojourn around North America, punctuated with book events. This was the first one, at the Rolls-Royce Owners’ Club’s Annual Meet. It was set up by Sabu Advani. At the time he was Editor-in-Chief of the RROC’s house magazine, The Flying Lady, and I recommend any petrol head to check in regularly with his site, with its plethora of reviews on transport books and media.
Wilmington Trust were sponsoring lunch, and their Chief Fiduciary Officer, Kemp Stickney, and I engaged in a pleasant Q&A about Amherst. The company had bought a great many copies of the book, and after Kemp and I had finished, RROC members came up, handed his colleague Anne Messer the requisite cash, I signed and each member left with a dedicated copy. It was all highly efficient, and I invited Anne to join me on the rest of our tour, but she declined…
There was just time for a photo opportunity with Sabu, the RROC’s VP of Communications Rubén Verdés and an old 3-litre Bentley…